twilightdreamer - Mon vomi mentalhttp://twilightdreamer.cowblog.frCowblogfrFri, 25 Jan 2013 23:19:49 +0100180 récursivité c'est rigolol

You Only YOLO Once

]]>, 25 Jan 2013 23:19:00 +0100'm a nice villain, but still a villain
It's good to be good
But sometime it's good to be bad too
]]>, 20 Jan 2013 01:08:00 +0100 have cancer brain
Parfois j'ai envie de me prendre la tête dans les mains
De planter mes ongles au sommet
Ouvrir ce fruit pourri en deux, en briser la coque
Me pencher et laisse mon cerveau s'écraser au sol
Pour mieux le piétiner et être 
finalement libre

]]>, 30 Dec 2012 08:41:00 +0100 devez saisir un title pour votre article

Mourir d'une overdose ne fait pas de vous un martyr,

ça fait de vous un putain de drogué.

]]>, 26 Dec 2012 20:03:00 +0100 beginning of the end?

« It's not that I can't imagine my life without her. I can, it just sucks. »

]]>, 24 Oct 2011 11:24:00 +0200 IS MICKAEL MACDONALD AND I LISTEN TO THE YOGPOD ALL DAY« Good afternoon my main man Lewis!

Today the purpose of this email is to inform you of something that happened recently in my life, after hearing Simon challenge my manly authority by saying that if I had the balls, to record myself, shaking up a soda can really well and having a friend record me.
Immediatly I rung up a few friends and said: "Hey, want to come over to my house and quickly help me with something?" Of course they rejected, since most of them do not like me, after I showed them your YoGPoD. Anyway, I thought: "Ok, well this will be terrible since I have no one to record me, and you will just think I'm a nutter."
But then I remembered, I have a sister. She's about 14 years-old, I am 17. I said: "Hey, come over here and record this for me, I need it for a science assignment." I guess since she was doing nothing she accepted, and held the camera for me.
So she starts recording me, and I say: "Hello. I am Dave! Yognaut, and I have the balls!" I immediatly toss the can at the wall in order for it to be a legit test.
Suddenly, the can starts shrieking. Me and my sister quickly look at eachother in shock. I begin to make my way towards the can to tap it, and I hear a loud banging noise from the can. I am scared. I am nervous. I am sweating. And my sister is laughing, while recording me watching this can screech and make loud banging noises.
I leap towards the can and grab hold of it. The can starts resisting my grasp. I hold on as tightly as I can, and annihilate the top of the can. I grab the little handle while the can shakes furiously and screeches at me. And without thinking I pull the handle.
The can explodes. Giant beams of Coca-Cola shoot all over my room. One surges towards my sister and blows a hole in her head, killing her instantly. My house begins to fall apart. I hear the loudest noise I've ever heard in my life. I slowly turn around to see a rip in the space-time continuum. It is sucking in everything it can: my neighbours, my pets, my house, my sister's corpse, my property, my street, my region, my city, my state, my country, and then it overloaded and exploded. All that was left was a small island, me and my computer and video camera. A single tear was running down my eye, as I thought about the things I would never do again, the people I would never see again. I then went on my computer and began this email.
In conclusion, no, tapping the top of a soda can will not stop it from exploding if it is shaken. It does not work, do not try it ever ok? Sincerely, a true Australian YoGPoD fan.

Nick Fuckface

P.S.: my sister didn't even record, what the fuck stupid bitch »
]]>, 14 Mar 2011 21:28:00 +0100

J'ai oublié ma virginité à Londres :<

]]>, 06 Jul 2010 01:59:00 +0200 vie

Quelle arnaque.

]]>, 07 Dec 2009 17:52:00 +0100 ceux qui se demandent pourquoi je ne poste plus je ne répondrai que trois mots
W o r l d

o f

W a r c r a f t

(toujours puceau mais niveau 23 !)]]>, 10 Aug 2009 03:54:00 +0200 vie est plus belle avec deux pilules par jour

Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer pourquoi les paquets de mouchoirs
n'en contiennent souvent que 9 ?

]]>, 30 Apr 2009 15:09:00 +0200